Support Team Leaders & Members
As a support team leader or volunteer you support our family liaisons and eviction prevention programwith specialized expertise or community projects. With your help our clients will achieve self sufficiency and a sense of belonging in their community more efficiently. It takes a village!
Food & Nutrition
Coordinates monthly shopping and distribution of food to asylum families. Works with family liaisons to connect families with TFAP programs and other community resources for food and nutrition.
Housing & Household Team:
Finds sources for furniture and household goods. Works with landlords and member congregations.
Coordinates the location and refreshments for New Mexico Immigrant Law Center clinics. WebEx Court Hearings, ICE check ins, often in member congregations. Spanish helpful but not necessary
Community Advocates
Using a trauma-informed, compassionate approach, assess eligibility and recommends payment for expenses to keep people housed.
Schools & Childcare
Experts in APS & charter schools, bi-lingual schools, after school programs, childcare for infants and toddlers.
Family Events
Coordinates events where families can meet with each other. Coordinates holiday gifts drives such as congregational giving trees. Invites "graduated" famlies to serve as mentors.
ID Clinics
Coordinates ID clinics in and with member congregations
Transportation: Bikes, Buses & Cars
Knowledgeable about bikes, cars & buses. Sources for bikes and the city program. Trains families on using city buses and apps. Knowledgeable about inexpensive but reliable vehicles.