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News and Events

Housing Ends Homelessness, One Person at a Time

Moving into an apartment on March 1, another man is now off the streets. Patience, persistence, support through the setbacks and keeping the goal in mind are needed to assist a person to move from homelessness to being housed. "Bob", a 51-year-old who has been on the streets and working with ABQ FaithWorks out of the First Congregational UCC for almost two years, is now in an apartment. Social work expertise assisted with paperwork that gave him access to resources to which he was entitled, and connected him with affordable housing. As a house-warming, FaithWorks was able to provide a carload of household items and food. Thanks, Amy, for this successful outcome!

Amy Malick, Director of FaithWorks Housing and Homelessness Program is laying the groundwork in member congregations to respond to their specific needs with the unhoused population. Contact her at



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