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News and Events

Fundraising Success!

Gwenn Robinson (Board member) and Dwight Burney hosted a brunch fundraiser in their home on Sunday, July 16, 2023. First Lady of Albuquerque, Dr. Elizabeth Kistin addressed the crowd and provided an overview of the City’s responses to the unhoused and asylum seekers living in Albuquerque. She highlighted the collaboration between ABQ FaithWorks and the city.

Jessica Corley, Executive Director of ABQ FaithWorks spoke briefly about the work that FaithWorks is doing in our community. A huge thank you to Gwenn and Dwight for hosting this very successful fundraiser.

If you would like to donate to ABQ FaithWorks, you can use our online platform, Givelify on this website or you can also mail a check to, made out to:

ABQ Faithworks, PO Box 40482, Albuquerque, NM 87196.

First Lady of Albuquerque, Dr. Elizabeth Kistin, Executive Director, Jessica Corley and Board member Dr. Gwenn Robinson



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