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News and Events

Consider Supporting ABQ FaithWorks

(adapted from the May 8, 2020 article by The Rev. Bob LaVallee of First Unitarian Church on the website)

Everyone in the fortunate position to make a donation should decide for themselves how to give, but Angela and I would like plug another First Unitarian partner: ABQ FaithWorks.

ABQ Faithworks was born out of the frustration of many clergy who were tired of offering unhoused people band aids like bus passes and grocery cards. They wanted to make a real difference in the lives of the desperate folks who were showing up at the doors of their churches.

The organization was founded four years ago when eight congregations pooled resources to hire a social worker who could assist unhoused folks with navigating the system. By helping unhoused neighbors access critical resources like housing, employment, and health care, the organization makes lasting change in the lives of the most vulnerable. The program works!

Here’s the tricky part: we launched this important project before the pandemic hit, and we had no idea at the time that it might become challenging to raise the special funds for it, even as the need has become greater than ever.

This is where you come in. If you find yourself in the fortunate position of having extra money right now, please consider supporting this worthy endeavor.

Warmly, Rev. Bob

Editor's Note:

(Thank you, Rev. Bob. We are growing due to the generosity of our donors!)

The original idea of FaithWorks actually housing people in our community is now a reality at FaithWorks! In 2023, they will receive funding from the City of Albuquerque to provide housing to 30 families! Their vision that all people are safely housed and integrated into communities of their choice is the driving force behind the daily work!

Did you know that ABQ FaithWorks also helps asylum seekers and their families integrate into communities of their choice in the Albuquerque area, providing food distribution, community referrals, and assistance in becoming self-sufficient through our new collaboration with the Pathways program?

There has truly never been a more exciting and pivotal time to live your values and support the critical mission of ABQ FaithWorks! Thank you for considering an end-of-year donation!

Click here to make a monetary donation online now, and touch lives right here in our city. Volunteer opportunities are also available.



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