May 2024 Newsletter
A Note from the Director
I want to first extend my heartfelt thanks to all those in our community who have warmly welcomed me since March. I look forward to meeting all of our supporters and friends soon, and to hear what ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative means to each one of you.
It’s so exciting to join this amazing small nonprofit that has made a huge impact in just over 5 years. ABQ FaithWorks continues to respond quickly and compassionately to urgent needs in the community. I’m convinced this is due to the generous contributions of all our volunteers, staff, congregations, supporters, and friends. I welcome you to reach out to me at or 505-333-8059. I look forward to meeting you as we continue to welcome the newcomer, house those who are experiencing homelessness, and prevent eviction for people in urgent need.
With many thanks,
Hannah Albee, Executive Director

We met ALICE United Way of North Central New Mexico, and discovered that we already know them! ALICE stands for "Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed" and they are our neighbors, teachers, and essential workers who are struggling to make ends meet. Kiran Gaudioso CEO of United Way of Northern New Jersey and President, United for ALICE gave an excellent introduction. We also heard from Randy Prunty, CEO, United Way of North Central New Mexico; Cathryn Abeyta, Executive Director, San Juan United Way; Amanda Morales, CEO, United Way of Southwest New Mexico; and Will Simmons, a dedicated father and advocate for ALICE in NM. We learned from Kiran how states across the nation have been supporting ALICE through changes to benefits based on restrictive Federal Poverty Limits (FPL). ALICE are people who don't meet those limits, but who are just one paycheck, one flat tire, one medical bill, one life event away from homelessness and poverty. It made us proud of our eviction prevention program, which helps people stay housed and get through tough times on limited incomes. We look forward to staying tuned into New Mexico's momentum toward greater support for ALICE.
ASYLUM SEEKERS ATTEND COURT HEARINGS ON-LINE AT ABQ FAITHWORKS Our Asylum Program provides social services and navigation support to asylum seekers living in the Albuquerque, NM area. With our partnerships with community organizations we can help people attend mandatory immigration court proceedings so they can move closer to official asylum status. Many immigrant families in Albuquerque face extreme challenges to travel to immigration court hearings in El Paso, Texas, an 8-hour round trip. Fortunately, We have partnered with NMILC to assist unrepresented individuals and families to appear virtually via WebEx for their immigration court proceedings. So far, we have been able to offer several families access to their court proceedings online in our offices, greatly relieving the burden of travel. -Odalys Marquez, Volunteer Coordinator MOVING FORWARD WITH RAPID REHOUSING Taking a moment to acknowledge the transformative impact in the Rapid Rehousing Program at ABQ Faithworks Collaborative; empowering families facing housing instability to reclaim a space to call home and by offering resources, guidance, and encouragement. Families in our program now rest their heads in a safe and stable environment, free from the anxieties of homelessness. In addition, we have been running this program for over a year and have served 18 families, 3 graduating into self sufficient housing. Many more families are posed to graduate by 2025. This is just shy of 30 children in our community who will are housed instead of homeless! -Cody Nickles, Housing Case Manager
You may already be familiar with one of our 3 flagship programs that supports people who have come to the United States seeking asylum. They are fleeing persecution and danger, but do not actually have the protection of asylee status until they work their way through the court system to prove that they would, in fact, be in danger if they returned to their home country. Sadly, this legal process can take years, during which time asylum seekers risk deportation, and face obstacles in their search for work, housing, food, and other basic essentials. But fortunately, with the help of our volunteer family liaisons and generous donors, asylum seekers in our program have emotional, practical, and financial support during this waiting period. We celebrate World Refugee Day to honor all those who have safely found asylum and refuge, and to give our clients hope that they will find safety and belonging here. Your support between now and June 20th will help ABQ FaithWorks in our ongoing efforts to walk with Asylum Seekers’ journeys toward official asylum protection. And the best news is, up to $3000 will be matched by our Board of Directors. That means your gift will be doubled, dollar for dollar. Give today to make sure your gift is matched, and keep checking back to see how close we are to our goal of $10,000. You can share our fundraising page on social media, or even start your own fundraising page! By sharing this cause that means so much to you with your friends and family, we can all help welcome the newcomer. ABOUT WORLD REFUGEE DAY World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honor refugees around the globe. It falls each year on 20 June and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution.