More than forty members from the ABQFW's congregational collaborative met Tuesday evening, November 9th, 2021, for a personalized tour of the "Americans and the Holocaust" exhibit at the Loma Colorado Library in Rio Rancho.

The library exhibition, on tour from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, is one of only 50 in the country and the only one in New Mexico. It details challenging American assumptions and actions (inaction) during this tragic moment in history when more than 6,000,000 Jews were murdered.
The ABQFW's contingent was asked to reflect on historical comparisons with what Americans knew then and how America responded, to what Americans know today and what are today's responses to asylum seekers, refugees and immigration. These reflections and the educational night were part of ongoing learning opportunities made available to members of ABQFW's congregations and supporters. The interactive experiences are intended to inform faith in action as the collaborative works with asylum seekers and people experiencing homelessness so that all people are safely housed and integrated into healthy communities.
The exhibit is open through Saturday, November 13, 2021. Learn more and visit the exhibit: Museum Exhibit: Americans and the Holocaust | The Official Site of Rio Rancho, NM (