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Come Learn about Joining Our Team of Volunteers! The Asylum Program at ABQ FaithWorks will be holding an informational session for anyone interested in learning more about being a Family Liaison volunteer. We will hear from a current Family Liaison about their experience, provide an overview of what being a Family Liaison involves, and have time for questions. See the attached flyer for details. Please forward to anyone you know who might be interested! Date | Thursday, September 28, 2023 Time | 2:00-3:00pm Location | 2201 San Pedro Dr. NE, Building 4, Suite 120, Albuquerque, NM 87110

Register at the Link Below.

There have been some staff changes at ABQ FaithWorks. Abbey Reed has become the Interim Executive Director, and Dora Gallegos, is now the fulltime Bookkeeper. As things change and grow in our organization, we celebrate Abbey and Dora in their new positions. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to FaithWorks!

Every day in our city, people are dealing with unimaginable hardships that could lead to them experiencing homelessness. ABQ FaithWorks envisions all people safely housed and integrated into healthy communities of their choice. One everyday decision can help make a difference in the everyday lives of asylum seekers and those experiencing homelessness. ABQ FaithWorks calls 365 compassionate souls to give $1/day ($30/month). Together, we can work and impact our community, providing crucial support and resources to those in need.

For more information, contact Abbey Reed at 505-225-2752 or email at

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